F. G. Miller High School gets a Glowing Report Card for the 2018 School Year!
The Fraser Institute collects a variety of relevant objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible public document. This school Report Card allows schools the opportunity to see how they are performing year after year on a provincial level.
We are very proud to have ranked 39th out of 262 high schools in Alberta during the 2017/2018 school year. This ranking includes all high schools in Alberta, both private and public, including elite ‘apply to enroll’ schools. The bulk of the data is based on our students’ provincial exam results. Congratulations to our students and teachers for a great school report card!
F. G. Miller High School has attained an average ranking of 38th in the province over the last 5 years Fraser Institute report cards. We are proud to provide the community of Elk Point and the surrounding area with quality education for their children.